The working life of the future: the power of collaborative design and digital facilitation
syys 30
2 min read
In recent years, I have become interested in all themes related to design, especially the development of cooperation and relationships. I used to get excited about service and business design, but nowadays I'm especially focused on the design of cooperation. Cooperation plays a central role in working life, but its effectiveness depends on how well it is planned and managed. This perspective has given me a new way of approaching work, and I've seen it benefit both teams and organizations.
How you are able to move things forward between different actors is key to the organization's success.
Working in various roles as a communicator and catalyst, it has become clear to me that processes are key. Processes create "holes" in organizational boxes, and these holes are filled by collaboration. I have also found that building collaboration between different teams like IT, technology partners, product development and analytics requires special skills. How you are able to move things forward between different actors is key to the organization's success.
Digital facilitation is one of the most important tools in today's collaboration. Technology enables even more effective collaboration, and when used correctly, it can increase the relevance and meaning of work. Working synchronously and asynchronously is something that requires careful planning, but once you get used to it, it becomes natural. I have noticed that the activity of others often feeds my own thoughts and moves the conversation forward. Modern collaboration platforms, such as Howspace, enable the participation of team members, regardless of whether they are physically present or remotely.
New ways of working flow into the workshops. When working with large groups, you should try, for example, a fish bowl exercise. It helps to notice how the creative thinking and ideation of a large group can be made to work effectively. The exercise involves all team members and gives everyone the opportunity to present their own thoughts without someone dominating the conversation. It makes the process transparent and gives everyone an equal chance to participate.
Metaverse offers working life completely new opportunities to create immersive and inclusive work environments. This technology has the potential to revolutionize collaboration and innovation, but it requires adaptation for everyone to take full advantage of it.
The effectiveness of cooperation depends on how well it is planned and managed, and I have noticed that cooperation between different actors significantly affects the success of the organization. Digital facilitation has helped me improve the efficiency of my work and increase its relevance. Metaverse offers the opportunity to create immersive and inclusive work environments, but its utilization requires adaptation. I believe that the utilization of technology and digital tools is decisive in the working life of the future.